Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Party That Really Cares About the Family


 Childcare, school shootings, abortion--all family issues that are in the news these days.

The GOP has a lot to say about abortion (Murder! Bad! Outlaw it! Prosecute providers!) 

Okay, so, caring for those children that the government mandates be carried to term--surely a compassionate government, a government that really cared about children, would step in with help. Wouldn't it?

But childcare, according to JD Vance, could be left to grandparents or other helpful relatives. Or, failing that, since not everyone has helpful relatives, maybe just get rid of cumbersome regulations and certifications for childcare--making it easier for anyone to open a care center for tiny tots.  Away with background checks and annoying safety rules! Welcome to Lecter's Littles Daycare!

And if the tots make it out of daycare to school, well, JD, speaking from behind bulletproof glass, says that school shootings are just a fact of life.  Thoughts and prayers and pin on that assault rifle pin that shows where your true allegiance lies.

How can so many otherwise kind and caring people buy in to the fear-mongering lies and blatant hypocrisy of the GOP, now that it's in thrall to the former guy?

Sad, very sad.


Marcia said...

And I'm sure you heard tRump's definition of child care. "Child care is child care". duh! He thinks raising tariffs will fund child care. Idiot. Let's hope more folks are waking up to their stupidity in supporting these idiots.

Sandra Parshall said...

They are NOT kind and caring. In their hearts, they are viciously hateful toward anyone who is "different." trump has given them permission to feel that way and to express it publicly.

Barbara Rogers said...

With the current state of our education being given (test based, not interest or achievement based) there's a likelihood that the young people graduating from high schools these days might think in very limited terms, echoing the black and white lessons they were taught. We must push for educations that bring children through adulthood who are really open minded thinkers, not rote repeaters. I guess I see teens sometimes and shake my head that they will elect the leaders of our country in the next generation. (A common practice among my peers with white hair)

Anvilcloud said...

Such uncaring people that appeal to half the voters.