Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Breathing Space

The current political situation preys on my thoughts. It seems that no matter what new awfulness emerges-- Mark Robinson comes to mind -- the MAGA faithful bleat FAKE NEWS and carry on.

I think of many friends from my younger days--all once very dear to me--who continue to support the Former Guy and I am completely bumfuzzled. Of course, I realize they may view me as a supporter of after-birth execution as well as a Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Fascist, as the former guy would say. 

When faced with unresolvable worries, I like to sit on the front porch and just breathe.

Watching the shadows slide across the slopes is a wonderful accompaniment to just breathing and finding peace. 



Sandra Parshall said...

I sit on our big screened porch with the cats for the same reason. Birds are all around, the goldfinches scold Oliver when he sits at the screen near the big standing feeder on the back walk, the Carolina wrens sing to Charlotte, the small group of crows sit in the tall trees and talk softly among themselves. Our little cul de sac is quiet except when the lawn guys are cutting grass. There is a world out there beyond politics.

Anvilcloud said...

It is hard to fathom, but I guess they sit in their echo-chambers, well insulated from the truth.

Barbara Rogers said...

Our political dilemma is becoming a legal one. At least with the MAGA attempts to control votes, no matter what people may have cast their ballots for. I don't have a great porch to sit on and muse, but tend to watch TV shows in courtrooms where the good guy always wins. Love seeing your view. Catching a breath is definitely a good thing!

Marcia said...

I see it as a failure of our education system. And I am a retired teacher. Somehow students are not learning about our government and democracy, are not being taught critical thinking skills, and are missing major lessons in science.

Marcia said...

Good for you, requesting more postcards. I'm almost finished with my 100 but am going away for a week so wouldn't have time to do another set if they even came before mailing date.

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

jennyfreckles said...

What with the situation re your forthcoming election and the dire situation in the Middle East, we all need our breathing spaces to help us keep perspective.