Saturday, January 13, 2024

A Reward

At the grocery store, the cheerful display of bulbs and primroses absolutely called to me. It's such a pleasure to see blooms in this somewhat grim time of year.

You deserve a reward, I told myself. Cleaning out the pantry was MAJOR. Go on, get the little planter with the yellow primroses and the purple hyacinth.

And while you're at it, how about a little pot of those tiny daffodils?

Why not, indeed! They have taken their places in my dining table garden, where the orchids are blooming and about to bloom, and the amarylli are reaching up.

Now I've begun a challenge similar to the pantry--our mathom closet where are stored, along with vacuum cleaners, all the seasonal tchotchkes that I've accumulated over the years. I have hopes of weeding out a lot of stuff--and already have three boxes of things to go to a local thrift store. 

When I picked up Josie, I asked if she would help me go through the boxes in the closet. She was thrilled. "It's like a treasure hunt!

And it was. She took home two plushies--a cow and a duck that had been part of my Easter decor, as well as numerous shells (summer) and another Easter cow (plastic) and a painted gourd rattle (fall)) plus various odds and ends. I know her folks will be overjoyed.



Anvilcloud said...

The windowsill looks great. Meanwhile, our poinsettia soldiers on.

Sandra Parshall said...

January is the pits, and February is even worse. I must have flowers in the house to save my sanity! My African violets are blooming like crazy, and I have three orchids in bloom with another getting ready to open buds. I love Josie's eagerness to help with the mundane task of clearing out a closet!

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh yes, your son and wife will be so overjoyed to have more to add to their collections...but if Josie gets to play with them, I guess its a win win. I'm with you...I sit and eat right next to the orchid blooms (no pollen) and just enjoy the shape that particular form of nature chose to involved and convoluted. Beauty in small things these days!

jennyfreckles said...

Such planted treasures are a complete joy through these dull winter days. You deserved a treat!