Sunday, December 17, 2023

Time Was...


Looking through my pictures for something to post, this called to me. Taken on one of the walks through our woods, one where I used to take the dogs (that's Molly, a sweet Golden mix I inherited when her person went to a nursing home--Molly and my friend are both long gone now.)

This is the mental health walk I used to take every day when my invalid (and cranky) mother-in-law was living with us.

It was down this leafy path that I was dragged on my belly by our two Akitas, who, in determined pursuit of a squirrel, jerked me over. I didn't let go and eventually managed to pull them to a stop.

And this was the path on which I visualized Elizabeth Goodweather (Old Wounds) having a brief, guilty encounter with an attractive neighbor . . .

Good times--not forgotten.


Sandra Parshall said...

Oh, to be able to walk in the woods again. (sigh) Nothing quite like that.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wonderful memories evoked by the path and it's photo. I can just hear you yelling at those Akitas doing their joyful pursuit of silly squirrel! But to have envisioned Elizabeth Goodwinter from those walks makes it a very special place indeed, for she has come to so many of us with her lovely stories (as told through you) and is dear to all who've met her. Keep on story telling, Ms. Word Wizard.