Sunday, December 31, 2023

Breaking Up Christmas Again


The tree comes down today, per my grandmother's injunction that it must be out of the house before the New Year or bad luck will ensue.  

I find that I'm both sorry to see it go--it's quite pretty-- and eager to move on to the less cluttered look for the New Year.


Dismantling the tree and putting away the ornaments will take most of the day--fortunately our New Year's Eve plans are pretty modest--a bottle of bubbly well before midnight and so to bed.

Tomorrow there will be collard greens and black-eyed peas, along with the pork marinated in mojo (garlic, orange juice, lemon juice, salt, and oregano) that is simmering in the slow cooker and perfuming the house right now. 

I'm not sorry to say goodbye to 2023 and its heartbreaking humanitarian crises around the globe. May 2024 see some improvement.



Marcia said...

New Year's Day is when I usually dismantle the tree and decorations. Though since moving to NH I tend to leave out the snowflakes and snowmen for awhile. This year that's the only snow we've experienced beyond the dustings earlier in December. Lots of old timers say this is the first Christmas they remember having with no snow on the ground. Happy New Year to you and yours.

Barbara Rogers said...

May your new year be just bursting with all the best imaginable experiences for you and your loved ones!

Anvilcloud said...

We don't have a strict timetable re decorations, but they will come down soon enough. The more wintry ones and less Christmassy ones will remain up. As far as the rest of it, we'll have a wee dram of Bailey's early evening, and the rest of the evening will be just about as it always is. All the best to you.

Sandra Parshall said...

I'm dreading 2024 because of the political situation and the worsening wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. On a personal level, I hope I will see some improvement in my health. Beyond that, I'm afraid I don't see much to look forward to. We don't have a tree, but we'll take the wreath off the door tomorrow.
Today I need to repot an orchid that is falling out of its pot -- and has a new flower stalk, although I thought it was finished for now. Two other orchids, my beloved yellow one and my big lilac, also have new flower stalks (and the yellow one just opened a flower) after its previous flowers bloomed for months. No rest for them. They're eager for the new year.

jennyfreckles said...

Wishing you a happy New Year at a personal level. I'm not sure we will get one at a global level. (Just make sure the Orange One doesn't feature triumphantly, for all our sakes.)
As for packing up, almost my entire house is now in boxes, never mind the Christmas decorations, but still no firm date to move. :(