Saturday, August 12, 2023

New to Me--a Red Spotted Purple


This beauty was feasting on a ripe fuchsia seed on our front porch.


It was so fixated on eating that it totally ignored me.

It just hung out there under the fuchsia.

Josie tried to tempt it with Black-Eyed Susana . . .not interested.

I had assumed it was a Spicebush or Pipevine Swallowtail--the black and blue butterflies I'm familiar with. But then I realized, there was no swallowtail. None.

Call Mr. Google! A little sleuthing led me to a butterfly I'd never heard of-- a Red Spotted Purple. I believe that's our visitor. And what a beauty!

Below is a photo from the internet that helped me identify this beautiful critter. Lots more info HERE.


Sandra Parshall said...

We used to have many of these, before the butterfly populations started crashing. You can attract butterflies with shallow saucers of pure fruit juice, sliced juicy fruits like oranges and ripe pears and peaches, and little bowls of clean water. They love mud puddles because they draw vital minerals from the soil.

Barbara Rogers said...

Such a beautiful little gift of color!

Anvilcloud said...

A blessing was bestowed upon you.

Marcia said...

It definitely fits that name.
Just home from a week vacation with the family. Granddaughter #3 here for this coming week. She is just 6 and headed to first grade.