Friday, February 16, 2024

VOTE--While You Still Can


Yeah, just the primaries--but at a time when much of the electorate seems willing to turn our democracy into something akin to a dictatorship, I feel a need to show up and vote on the candidates.

North Carolina's early voting makes it easy. Our county has three locations, and it was a matter of a few minutes to cast my vote. (The lagniappe was that two of the poll workers were acquaintances and fans of my books. They asked if I was writing another and I told them alas, no--that the promotion required was simply not something I wanted to do anymore.)

For me, there's always a warm Norman Rockwell feel to voting in my rural county. One of the poll workers was the mother of Josie's much-loved kindergarten teacher; a nice fella outside showed me a sample ballot and invited me to a precinct meeting. 

It was also really pleasant to be out, cold-free at last, on a day that was pretending to be Spring.



Barbara Rogers said...

You are one (or two) steps ahead of me. I want to get a copy of the list of candidates for local and judgeship offices and see who stands for what, and I keep forgetting what paper published it and where I can find one. So that's first step and then early voting is definitely my choice. So easy now. I do hope that continues!

Anvilcloud said...

People are so dumb. They're okay with a dictatorship if it is the dictator that they want. But once there's a dictator dear leader might very well dictate against them, and they'll have no recourse.

Sandra Parshall said...

Jery and I have already voted in the Super Tuesday primary. We only had one candidate to vote for: President Joe Biden.

Marcia said...

Good for you.

JJM said...

"If you want a better nation, be better citizens.”--Jim Wright, online essays and social media, exact wording varies.