Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Game On!


Yesterday I braved the grocery store for more Thanksgiving provisions and as I was pushing the buggy out to my car, a cheerful woman with her own buggy loaded ccalled out, "Well, we got one hard part done!"

"Yep, " I replied, "now for the cooking."                                                       


Her car was next to mine and after she returned her buggy to the corral, she came over and just started handing me the bags I was loading into my car. "Makes it a little easier with someone handing them to you," she said. And it did,


When we were done, I thanked her profusely and wished her a Happy Thanksgiving.

"Happy Thanksgiving to you too," she said, "And Merry Christmas. I'm not politically correct."

"Well, Merry Christmas to you!" I replied. "And a Happy Hannukah, and Kawanza, and everything else! "

I kinda felt like I'd been visited by the Spirit of Thanksgiving.





Barbara Rogers said...

What a sweet gift from a neighborly shopper. Love seeing your cookbook too! Somehow we never thought those pages had been splattered, but our old favorites are definitely marked. Enjoy your preps for the big feast!

Anvilcloud said...

Some people have a gift of being happy, helpful and extroverted too.

Marcia said...

The kindness of strangers. I know you'll pass it on.
Happy Thanksgiving.

jennyfreckles said...

It's remarkable these days when people are helpful. Most just ignore you! She sounded a lovely lady.

Gwen said...

What a lovely moment in this contentious world we're living in. By the way, that Huguenot Torte recipe looks intriguing - would love to see the whole thing! Have a wonderful day with friends and family.

Sandra Parshall said...

It's lovely to come across someone so spontaneously friendly and helpful. It doesn't happen often enough.
Those recipe book pages look like the pages of my southern cooking book. That's one I saved when I was giving away most of the rest -- even though I know my favorite recipes by heart. Pecan pie, glazed sweet potatoes, various vegetable dishes. Now I am unable to cook, but I'm hoping that's temporary and someday I will be back in the kitchen, at least for holidays.

I hope you and your whole wonderful family have the very happiest Thanksgiving!