Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Missed Opportunities

She was right there! I've tried but failed to photograph the humming birds that visit our porch flowers.

The frog is easier--he stays put. 

Oops, just missed her.  But look at this below--our old crabapple is blossoming on one branch. The times are out of joint.



Anvilcloud said...

Hummers are hard, but the first photo is very nice regardless.

Barbara Rogers said...

I didn't know hummers liked petunias! Nice blossoms, crazy dear tree!

Sandra Parshall said...

Our hummers literally hang in the air outside our sunroom's big windows and watch us and the cats for 10 minutes at a time (until they return to the feeder, which is outside that room). But can we get a photo? Of course not. When I used my DSLR in the garden, they were attracted to the reflection in the lens glass and would come right up to it (ignoring me), giving me totally burry closeups. I envy photographers who can capture these little ones clearly!