Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Autumn Switch

 October means it's time to put the house into autumn mode --  of course the chimneys need to be cleaned, the screens taken down and the windows washed, the house plants brought back inside after their summer sojourn outside -- but in order to get myself psyched up for these chores, first I put away the summer blue and white and bring out the autumn colors.
I enjoy marking the change of seasons this way -- and I like putting some things away and bringing others out.  I'll pack away most of the blue and white china in the corner cupboard and take down the paintings of lilies ...
Away with the kitchen's blue and white throw pillows and the curtain over the pantry door . . .

The corner cupboard fills up with odds and ends that have been packed away since last December -- painted gourds, two skulls (cat and raccoon ), and other objects that somehow seem autumnal to me.
 Different paintings in the living room and the ostrich, emu, and rhea eggs that were in the cupboard look somehow different in their new perch on the mantel.
The blue and white throw pillows an the couch give way to a rosy-hued leaf fabric, similar to that in the kitchen pillows. . .
And the blue rag rugs go into the washing machine while I bring out these bright mats.
A harvest wreath on the door. . .
And it's time to set a spell and rest -- the vacuuming can wait till  another day.
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Unknown said...

That is such a wonderful thing to do.. seasonal changes in the house. Different colours for different seasons. I love that. I will be watching the seasonal changes in your mountains as the season progresses too. Maybe your seasons are more intense than ours. The changes more marked. How interesting. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Marilyn & Jeff said...

What a wonderful thing to do - having a seasonal change within the house. I had never thought of doing that but it seems such a lovely thing to do. I can imagine how exciting it is to get out the different bits and pieces that you haven't seen for several months. Excellent photos.

Alan Burnett said...

You have a wonderfully looking house Vicki. And I congratulate you on keeping with seasonal traditions : in some many aspects of life seasonal variations seem to have been "straightened out" whether it be strawberries in December or Christmas gifts in the shopss in September

Martin said...

I love this idea of seasonal colour changes indoors, to mirror what's going on outside. Your home looks warm and inviting. Then, I never suspected, for a moment, that it wouldn't be.

Merisi said...

Your autumnal home looks gorgeous!
I shall never forget my travels through North Carolina and Southeastern Tennessee in October. Nowhere else have I see such beautiful fall decorations on porches and front yards. I remember a hotel that had several scenes out of "The Wizard of Oz" enacted with straw bales and life-size straw figures on the front lawn. I dream of returning one day.

A wonderful fall season to you and yours!

Pat in east TN said...

I agree with the others that your home looks warm/inviting, and your seasonal changes are beautiful. I do some changes here/there, but am so attached to some things that I can't bear to put them away. Silly me!

Elora said...

What a wonderfully festive thing to do! A seasonal carousel of treasures!


Brian Miller said...

nice fall make over...really lik ethe the season change..think i will sit for a bit...smiles.

California Girl said...

That is a super cozy looking home. I really like your antiques and the wood work. Changing colors and decor for the seasons is so nice.

NCmountainwoman said...

Love the changes. We do the same thing. After so many years we have so much stuff that if we didn't rotate for the seasons, we'd never see some of it. It's almost like greeting old friends when we make the changes.

Kath said...

I Love this! I enjoy decorating for Halloween and Christmas, but making this kind of change is genius.
This beats the put away the summer clothes and get out the winter stuff routine I grew up with!!! Something to look forward to with the seasons.

Miss_Yves said...

What great idea!
It's not only cleaning but creating a new scenery for a new departure, a new life!

Vicki Lane said...

This seasonal fetish is probably an echo of my mother's habit of putting light-colored slipcovers on the living room furniture in the summer. It made the room seem cooler (very important in pre-airconditioning Florida)and extended the life of the upholstery.

I don't have slipcovers but, like NCMountainwoman, I do have too much stuff -- years of making patchwork pillows, decorating gourds, and trying to paint have left me with lots to choose from.

East TN seems to be really big into the harvest decorations. I'm seeing more and more in our area but, as we aren't very visible from the road -- or even from our driveway, we don't do much outside beyond a pumpkin on the porch and perhaps a pot of chrysanthemums.

We'll enjoy this autumnal look till early December when it will go back in the closet to make room for Christmas red and green.

Unknown said...

Last night Vicki.. I hopped into bed to begin reading..Signs In The Blood, and met Elizabeth Goodweather. Five pages in I hear..'Laurel moved to Ashville'. Aha I thought..I must go back and have another look at Vicki's photos!
It is wonderful reading about the mountain life. The gathering of neighbours with food could be Te Pahu where I lived for 30 years..but the wonderful dialect could not. I am loving it. Now where are those photos of Ashville..

Vicki Lane said...

Joan, here is a link that will take you on a tour of the arts district where Laurel works.

BB said...

Great home pictures Vicki. My house in CT is a country folk art Cape Cod. I had it for 15 years so now here in SC I have a much more French Country look. Love a home that's lived in and not so esthetic that you're afraid to touch something.

Stella Jones said...

Your home looks so welcoming always, whether summer or fall. Always a dog and or cat around somewhere; always food to welcome the visitor; art to look at on the walls. Thank you for showing us round. Love the door wreath, which reminds me, I need to make one for my door soon.
Blessings, Star

Liz said...

"vacuuming can wait until another day" is my mantra!!!

L. D. said...

You have a beautiful home and your things and art work are wonderful.

Christine said...

Vicki, your home looks so cozy and inviting. Love your seasonal changes. That's got me itching to do some changing things in my own home!

Tipper said...

I do that too : ) I just got my kitchen done this week-makes it all seem fresh and new again-even though I'm just changing the curtains and re-arranging things.

Folkways Note Book said...

Vicki -- good idea to change things around -- refresh for fall. Your home feels so livable and cozy -- love houses that feel that way -- barbara

R. Burnett Baker said...

A warm and loving winter retreat! I really like that painting with the ladies around the table.. Did you paint that??


maría cecilia said...

Lots of movement at your home, dear Vicki. That blue cupboard filled with blue and white china is adorable as well as you kitchen, my favorite!!!
I wonnder how you find the time for writing among all the work you do at the farm and the house!!!
hugs and joy my dear,
maria cecilia

Vicki Lane said...

Well, Barb, having four dogs and two cats in the house much of the time ensures that lived-in look around here!

I like to think that our home is welcoming, Star. Of course, living at the end of a private 4 wheel drive road means that we don't get many unexpected visitors, thank goodness.

It's waiting again,Liz. Can't vacuum while others are listening to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me or Prairie Home Companion, now can one? Maybe tomorrow...

It's a fun thing to do, Mamabug!

And Tipper -- nice to know I'm not the only one!

Thanks, Barbara -- I find that if something stays in the same place for long, I basically stop seeing it. Moving things around helps overcome that.

Rick -- Yep, I did that about ten years ago, back when I had time to paint. It's a picture of me and some of my friends working on a quilt.

Welcome, Maria Cecilia! The blue and white china is my favorite and it's not always easy to put it away for a time. Just at the moment, I'm not working on a novel -- so I'm filling my days with all the other things too long left undone.

chiccoreal said...

Ahhh the autumnal colours! Lovely tradition, with a the return of Fall a refreshing switch turns on! Lover of Autumn too!