Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just a Closer Look . . .

This coleus cutting with its extravagant flowing roots is so pretty that I keep postponing moving it into a pot.
Catching  the light in my kitchen window, it tempts me in for a closer look.
Patterns, patterns, everywhere.

A brief post today -- I spent a lot of time over at my Day of Small Things blog, answering new questions about dealing with rejection and editing.  If you're interested in these topics. go here and scroll down to this image.
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Bernie said...

How do you do can get a plant to grow roots without soil and I am struggling with my plants and give them the best of everything.....I think I am giving them too much of something for sure. I so want healthy plants.
.......:-) Hugs

Victoria said...

Pretty photos, Vicki! I really like the texture of the leaf in the close up. It almost looks like it's quilted.

Martin said...

Lovely! Proof that beauty doesn't just exist on the surface.

Pat in east TN said...

A short post but a beautiful one! Fascinating root system.

Brian Miller said...

interesting the close ups...will defeinitely check ou the post as i will be needing that...

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful. Great shots. Maybe, you should wait a bit longer before adding it into a pot.

Miss_Yves said...

Interesting !
Nice compositions. Feeling of coolness.
Martin H.'s comment is clever.

Tipper said...

It is pretty-reminds me of Granny. She always has something rooting in her kitchen window : )

Mel said...

Coleus is one of my favorite plants. I didn't know until recently how easy they were to root and keep indoors. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing.

Tess Kincaid said...

Wow, it's got a great root system going there! Wonderful shots!

Vicki Lane said...

Bernie -- rooting coleus is foolproof. Also mint, basil, and impatiens just want to send out roots when you put a sprig in water.

Victoria -- that was my thought too!

Martin -- True enough!

Hey Pat -- hope you got some of that rain!

Brian -- I'm trying to post the stuff I wish I'd known when I was getting started.

Haven't done it yet, Mr. S.

It does feel cool, Miss Yves -- probably why I like the look of it so much.

My paternal grandmother did too, Tipper. And she had whole lineups of big tin cans outside where she was rooting shrubs. she had the greenest of thumbs.

Mel -- there are so many varieties of coleus -- I'm always tempted by just one more.

Thanks, Willow! I love the grid of the screen.

Suz said...

isn't it always what goes on below the waterline that fascinates a writer

Friko said...

Is that your considered opinion? Keep calm and carry on?

Good, I'll try. If I had such a pretty coleus cutting to look at I might even succeed.

Vicki Lane said...

Good point, Suz! (You must be an English major -- finding meanings in things like that!)

Along with Don't Panic, those are words to live by, Friko -- at least, for me. As opposed to "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."