Thursday, July 1, 2010

July -- and another blog of sorts...

I told you I was getting excited. And the really wonderful blurb I just received from Deborah Crombie has lifted me right out of those red-headed stepchild doldrums.
You can see it over at my Day of Small Things blog. Or in my monthly Goodweather Report. I'm quite proud of it since Deb is a writer whose work I really admire.
Just to reiterate -- the new Day of Small Things blog is really more of a website. I won't be doing posts, as such, just adding updates as reviews, etc. come in.  I've got the FAQ page up -- many thanks to those of you who had questions -- and will happily add to it if anyone has more questions.  I have ideas for more additions. If you have any thoughts on this, do let me know.

And of course, I'll be blogging right here, right along.  

See you tomorrow.
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Brian Miller said...

that is a beautiful bouquet...out of your yard? off to check out your site...

Brian Miller said...

fyi...your link the text goes to blogger not your site...feel free to delete this comment after fixing it...

Victoria said...

Glad you're feeling more cheerful.

I've never read any of Ms. Crombie's writing, I'll have to check her out on

Anonymous said...

That's very beautiful. Brian's right, Vicki. The links lead to

Pat in east TN said...

What nice words from Ms. Crombie ... I also have to check her out.

The flowers are lovely, but the quilt is a real knock-out! I love it!

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, Brian and Mr. S -- I think I've fixed it now.

Yes, the flowers are from my yard -- but in a past year.

I met Deb Crombie at a book thing --Murder in the Magic City -- in Birmingham a few years ago and started reading her books. Very intelligent writing -- British police procedurals. I really enjoy her work.

Pat, the quilt is one that some of us made some years ago for a friends wedding. I really like it too!

Helen in SC said...

I was so glad to read in the "Day" blog that you write at night. So many writers say they get up at five a.m. and write for hours at a time. I'm a night person and couldn't do that.

NCmountainwoman said...

I am really looking forward to this book. And surely I will be able to get to Sylva or to Waynesville to see you in person and get you to autograph one for me.

Liz said...

Vicki - Is your new book a mystery? I was thinking it was more a coming of age book telling Miss Birdie's life story...

Vicki Lane said...

Helen -- I have written in the morning -- but not at some ungodly hour. First I have to fill the birdfeeders, deal with laundry, drink coffee, check email . . . and in the summer, the morning is the best time to work outside.

I'll look forward to seeing you, NCmountainwoman!

Good question, Liz. It's certainly not a traditional whodunnit -- and it is Birdie's life story -- at least the most exciting bits. It's kind of general fiction but also psychological suspense. And there's a bit of crime in there too so it qualifies as crime fiction.

It will be interesting to see how the publishers market it.

Lyn said...

I am so excited for you..went to the new site..beautiful cover..what a great time for you..congrats!

The Muse said...

My curiosity is peaked!
Congrats for all these things which have brought you joy...I am off to see..

And yes, most lovely florals! What blooms this year Ms Vicki?

May The Words Flow,
Blessings From The Muse
~Excursion of Xeranthemum~

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks, Lyn and The Muse! This will be my fifth published novel and it's still exciting!

Tipper said...

The new website looks great!