Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend Update

The past weekend has been all about Asher Andrew Walton, the newest member of our family. His parents and grandmother (John's sister), all of whom used to live, here made the trip down from Charlottesville, Virginia and yesterday there was a party at a friend's house so that the community could meet the new little guy. And so we could present Asher with our latest group quilt.

A lot of pictures were taken, a lot of food was consumed, a lot of stories were shared.

And when it seemed like time for the party to end -- much of the family migrated back to our place where we continued to admire the baby.

I'll post more about the quilt later. I'm off to Wadesboro for a library event tomorrow and am playing catch up on all fronts.

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Liz said...

What a beautiful quilt, Vicki - I bet Asher's parents loved it! My son (whose last name, coincidentally, is Asher) and his wife are expecting a baby girl any day now! The circle of life just keeps going round and round. Have a wonderful day!

KarenB said...

I LOVE the quilt! And what a darling baby! So lucky to have such love sewn into a beautiful quilt to keep him warm.

I'm knitting a baby blanket in anticipation of a new niece or nephew and love does go in with every stitch.

Martin said...


A lot of work went into that quilt, I'll bet. A thing to treasure.

So glad you had such a warm family occasion. They're the best, aren't they?

Asher is a family name for us too. My maternal grandfather was Asher, as was his grandfather, and it crops ups regularly back as far as the mid-1700s.

Vicki Lane said...

A fun fact is that I and many of my friends made a baby quilt for Amelia when she was born -- and a wedding quilt when she and Drew were married down at our pond a few years ago. Now Asher . . . whose name I really like.

Stella Jones said...

Looks like a lovely family gathering. Welcome to the new baby. Is it your way to give each new family member a quilt? How lovely. I just started a quilt today, my first. Can you guess what it has on it? A clue - it has a capital letter in each group of squares.
Blessings, Star

Carol Murdock said...

The Quilt and baby Asher are both gorgeous! I on the other hand am exhausted and LOOK it! HA!

Vicki Lane said...

Yes, Star, so far I have three great nieces and 3 great nephews and have made (usually with help from other friends and family) quilts for each.

Miss_Yves said...

I'm sure that the baby will enjoy the beautiful colours of your quilt !
And what a pleasant method to learn letters and words !

Vicki Lane said...

Alphabet quilts are my favorite thing to make for babies -- because there is little better as a learning tool.

maría cecilia said...

Hi Vicki, congratulations for that beautiful new member of your family... there´s nothing better than gathering family together around a new born one. Blessings to him.
María Cecilia

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

What a lovely story this is about making quilts for Amelia on the occasion of her birth, her wedding and now this perfect little bundle of joy! He is a doll and the quilt is just gorgeous, Vicki.

Vicki Lane said...

Many thanks, Maria Cecelia and Kaye! It was a lovely occasion!