Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Evening Roses

Yesterday was spent completely immersed in the next book -- John was away and, aside from letting the chickens out, filling bird feeders, feeding dogs and cats, scrounging meals of leftovers, and closing the chickens up again (at which time I took these pictures), I didn't get far from my laptop.

It's good to be able to get myself so deep in the story that the characters take over and start telling it. And that's where I was all the day.

As always with a series book, I have the wretched task of getting in all the back story -- who are these people and what do they look like and where did they come from -- so that readers new to the series won't be lost. But I don't want to bore those of you who know Elizabeth and her family as well as if they were next door neighbors.

Enter Gloria. It's a lot of fun to describe Elizabeth through Gloria's eyes. I remember when I first did that sort of thing in Art's Blood -- letting the patrician Lily Gordon describe her visit to Elizabeth's home -- how liberating it felt to see things through different eyes.

Onward and upward -- or rather backward. I'm moving into a chapter from 1887 and am going to delve into the life of Amarantha, a chambermaid at the Mountain Park Hotel . . .and an Appalachian witch!
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Merisi said...

I imagine you there, attached to your laptop, all immersed in your story. It must feel truly satisfying!

I once read a book which included a compendium with a sort of CV of each character and how they were related or interconnected. I found it very helpful. Unfortunately I have forgotten which book that was and don't even remember what it was about. It must have been part of a series, I suppose. It stayed in my memory for that brilliant idea of making it easy for the reader to get acquainted with all the characters.

Pat in east TN said...

The roses are beautiful and sooth my soul, BUT your 'teasers' of the next book are driving me wild! UGH!

Vicki Lane said...

Merisi -- Agatha Christie and other crime fiction writers of the Golden Age used to always include a Cast of Characters at the beginning of each book and yes, they were, indeed, very helpful. (Back in college when I was reading Russian novels and similarly dense works, I would make my own ingoing list inside the front cover of the book.)

But I may chat with my editor about adding something like that. It isn't much done these days but I agree, it would be massively helpful to the reader.

Oh dear, Pat, I'm sorry. But in searching for something to say, that's what my mind was full of.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Oh man - HOW long till this one will come out????? Please don't stop giving us these little bits of interest though! Like Pat - it may drive us wild, but we don't want it to go away. (what's that say about us?? LOL!)

Vicki Lane said...

Hey, Kaye, UNDER THE SKIN is very tentatively scheduled for March of 2011.

Truly, I'm not trying to tease you all -- just looking for company along the way. The feedback is helpful!

Liz said...

Have you been up to Hot Springs yet to have dinner at the Mountain Magnolia? All in the name of research, of course! Whenever I go from Marshall to Hot Springs I am always struck by the difference in temperature and climate, in general. It feels as though it should be cooler in Hot Springs (the drive seems like you are climbing) yet it's humid and warm and the air feels stagnant. I guess because it's down in the bowl of the valley. I'm happy that you are enjoying the journey of this book - that's the real fun! Good luck -Liz

Vicki Lane said...

Not yet, Liz. I need to soon. I know the Nagles have a lot of information on their house and the area.

Reader Wil said...

Vicki, you are apart from a writer also a psychologist! You describe the main character from all points of view, which is great! The flowers are also seen from all sides! Thanks of sharing.

Liz said...

In the living room at the Mag they have a locket of hair from a Confederate soldier! There's a story there somewhere!

Carol Murdock said...

Oh Lord Vicki.....All I'm gonna think about NOW is that forth coming Apalachian Witch !!!
That did it for me!! :)

Vicki Lane said...

Wil -- how astute you are to have noticed the tie-in with the photos! I often try to make the photos a sly comment on the text.

Liz -- Mmm . . . intriguing!

Carol -- Good news!! -- you won't have to wait till 2011 -- there's an Appalachian Witch in Miss Birdie's book. THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS!

Amelia said...

Oh, I can just see the first rose picture as one of your paintings, so beautiful!

Vicki Lane said...

I'd love to do a great huge painting of it -- if the day ever comes that I have the free time to paint again!

How's Positano doing, oh pregnant niece of mine?

Victoria said...

I love the photo of Eddie; clever view. And your roses are beautiful.

Oh, your new book sounds wonderful! And, ohhhhh, it's going to be torture waiting for it to be published. I'll just have to keep reminding myself that all good things come to she who waits.

Vicki Lane said...

Victoria-- I was just over at your blog commenting on YOUR lovely rose.

Yes, it did frame Eddie nicely! A thorn among roses . . .

Victoria said...

Eddie? A thorn? Oh, surely not! A Prince among the purring people, a mighty hunter of the enormous, wild, dangerous Turkey Terribledactyls (that's what our cats call them), a ... well, you get it...I'm an Eddie fan. :-)

Vicki Lane said...

Terribledactyls -- tee hee!

Well, maybe Eddie's not a thorn but he's definitely sharp.

Amelia said...

Positano is GROWING! I believe that I will be able to start offering free blimp rides fairly soon here. ;-) All is well, the countdown is on...only 8-9 weeks before D Day.