Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter Rain

We had a lovely rain yesterday morning -- a wonderful Christmas present! The ground was gloriously squelchy and the temperature balmy.

I schlepped all those packages to the post office after the rain stopped a little before noon. Fog was rising from the river -- which was running higher at last -- and through the mist, I could see the heron hunched on a rock.

(One of the pleasures of country life is the comparative lack of traffic -- I can stop on the bridge and get out of my car to take pictures, knowing that if a vehicle should come along, the driver will slow down, wave, and go around me.)

The mist was gathering strength, looking very much like a special effect for a production of Macbeth -- or possibly some spooky epic with ghostly warriors riding skeleton steeds that skim the water's surface. Or maybe a scene from The Mists of Avalon.

By the time I returned home, around three, the mist was floating higher, rising above the tree tops.

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NOTICE: my friend Kay Byer's other blog is featuring a wonderful list of books (mainly by NC writers) for holiday gift giving -- she's kind enough to include me.

Which brings me to my second NOTICE: Two different people told me yesterday that they couldn't find copies of Signs in the Blood -- not at Amazon nor Barnes and Noble nor at the Random House website. At all of these sites it was on back order with no estimate of when it would be available.

I emailed Herself, my redoubtable editor, and asked if this meant I was Out Of Print -- something no series writer wants to happen -- and she replied that due to an inventory glitch, SIGNS is Out of Stock not Out of Print. Whew! Herself also said that she has spoken to Production (sternly, I hope) to rectify and ask for an urgent reprint.

So that's what's up with that.


Carol Murdock said...

Vicki, Do you think I got the last copies Amazon had? Wow! You're a bestselling author on Amazon !
It's snowing...big wet flakes !
It is like watching an artist at work. We probably have an inch and

Anonymous said...

I purchased a copy of Signs from Amazon in late November for a Christmas gift - must have been the last copy! I am glad to read that your editor is involved in fixing the glitch. I like to introduce readers new to Elizabeth properly - from the beginning.

Vicki Lane said...

You all are great! Thanks for spreading the word about Elizabeth!

We awoke to a beautiful, steady soaking rain -- which may turn to snow later in the day. So very welcome!

Liz said...

Vicki - Thanks for the pics of the French Broad - The Barnard Bridge is one of my favorite places. The view is ever-changing - it is a magical place. The first time we crossed it I had a feeling like coming home. Thanks.

Pat in east TN said...

We also got some much needed, and welcome, rain, and this morning some snowflakes and a cold, cold wind. No laying snow here but the mountains surrounding me are white and oh so pretty.

Vicki Lane said...

Yep, the temperature has plummeted and we have a light dusting of sleetish snow over here.