Friday, February 28, 2025

My Window Garden

Breakfast: six-grain toast with mango/jalapeno hummus and a white nectarine.

And what is probably the last bloom of the amaryllis Claui's folks gave us which has been blooming since Christmas.



Anvilcloud said...

The amaryllis is going out in style.

Sandra Parshall said...

Flowers indoors are guaranteed mood lifters.

Barbara Rogers said...

All through history there have been co-parenting of in-laws, for each married couple. Why hasn't anyone come up with the name for the relationship between the two sets of in-law parents! I will keep asking, as I have a good friend who is the mother of my daughter-in-law.

Jayna said...

I have a couple of orchids blooming. I had a blue light treatment on my face and can’t go outside until Sunday. My orchids make me feel better.

Vicki Lane said...

Jayna! So glad to see you here on the blog!