Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A Promise


The first crocuses seem to me a promise--Spring is coming. Though there may be snowstorms and nasty weather yet, daffodils and tulips are on their way, along with blossoming fruit trees, and soon a gentle haze of green will creep across our mountains.

Through all the political turmoil, it's good to watch Nature doing her thing.


Anvilcloud said...

I have a crocuses post coming up, maybe tomorrow. It sure isn't this year's croci though. 😁

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh how delightful! I've seen leaves last week, will have to go see how close to blooms they are now! Yes, nature is the constant, and constantly changing, in our world today.

Marcia said...

These flowers seem so early but then you have a big latitude difference with me. Lovely promise they are too!

Sandra Parshall said...

We have emerged from the deep freeze and are having highs in the 50s. I am so looking forward to spring!

Sandra Parshall said...

Vicki, is your FB page gone forever, or just temporarily? Can you start a new one? Worth a try, maybe.

Vicki Lane said...

Probably forever. I don't want to jump through the hoops necessary and I feel I was wasting too much time scrolling. There are some folks I will miss keeping up with, but I hope they'll find their way to my blog eventually. And I definitely want to know when you go to see the pandas!

Sandra Parshall said...

It will be some time before I can risk being in a crowd, and the crowds visiting the pandas are huge. My immunologist is trying to get my Ig levels up, but it's a very slow process because I'm dealing with two major disorders and the treatments for them conflict. But I'll let you know when it happens.