Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Well, Okay Then!


What a guy! 

The Harris/Walz ticket is already bringing joy to a lot of us who long to keep grownups--positive, progressive grownups-- in the White House.

On the one hand, there's Felonious Dementia Don with his hellfire and damnation rhetoric, plus JD, his seriously creepy sidekick who's somehow a hillbilly and a venture capitalist.

Or there's the level-headed ex-prosecutor VP and now this teacher/coach/veteran/legislator/governor with a real rural/farming background.

There's a definite Coming Home vibe to this pair.




jennyfreckles said...

Hah, yes, even we're getting these vibes over here. There should be no contest should there? Let's have some sensible, competent adulting for a change - and a bit of fun and positive energy.

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh may it be so!!

Sandra Parshall said...

And trump is going crazy. He says Walz "will unleash hell on earth" if he and Harris are elected. Insane.

Anvilcloud said...

He does seem like a good fellow who won't offend too many.

Wayfarin' Stranger said...

Hope, at last.

Marcia said...

We watched the whole rally last night on MSNBC and then the talking heads afterward. My husband got all choked up - he was really moved by the speeches. Love your poster. I'm going to take a screen shot and send to my siblings.

JJM said...

Well, he *will* unleash hell. On *Trump*.

JJM said...

Listening to Walz's first speech as candidate and to Vance's, I am reminded of Hamlet's comparison: "as Hyperion to a satyr".

Vicki Lane said...

I'm loving the energy this ticket is calling up--positive and joyful!