Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Baby Blues

I think these pretty little blooms are forget-me-nots. They are from a packet of seeds my SIL Fay sent me as a part of my birthday present back in February. I sowed them in seed trays and seem to have lost the empty packet.

They are in pots now, but I might have a go at making a permanent space for them. I like them nearby where I can see their tiny cheery faces. And can keep them well watered.



Anvilcloud said...

They do look like forget-me-nots, but it is late in the season, and I don't see yellow centres. If they are a variety, they will probably self seed, and you'll have them forever.

Barbara Rogers said...

Glad you're growing them. We had a blast of a thunderstorm last evening...hope it didn't damage anything in your neighborhood, if it hit there. Thunder was so loud I unplugged the surge protector for computer, I've lost one a few years back by not just unplugging it!

Marcia said...

I'm hoping the forget me nots that I had bloom this spring will self sow. Yours may do that too.