Sunday, June 14, 2009

In the Cool of the Evening

After spending a frustrating 45 minutes yesterday evening trying to get into my computer which wasn't accepting my password, I was getting pretty heated when suddenly Windows opened without the password.

I don't understand these things -- and Cory, my computer guy wasn't answering his phone. Understandable --it was Saturday night and some people have lives. I can only assume my fairy godmother must have been in the vicinity and fixed things for me.

The photos are from a little stroll I took to simmer down in the cool of the evening.

Flowers and greenery, mountains and sky are wonderfully calming. And thank heavens for that fairy godmother!

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Pat in east TN said...

Isn't it something how things just work themselves out sometimes with no rhyme or reason?

Beautiful pictures from your stroll.

Carol Murdock said...

Nothing like a stroll through nature to calm the soul huh?
What a paradise you have to stroll in too! :D

Kathryn Magendie said...

Hi Vicki - I was in Osondu's yesterday (signing books, etc) and found out you'll be at the Haywood County Book Fair August 1 - I will be an author there as well! looking forward to seeing you again! :)

the photos are beautiful...

Miss_Yves said...

Beautiful plants !the third photo is stunning !

Liz said...

I have a good friend who is a brilliant doctor and a talented artist - she hates computers - she doesn't understand why you have to go START to turn it off...

Vicki Lane said...

Hey, Pat -- I count on that 'wait and see if it doesn't get better' effect all the time. Amd it works, more often than not.

Carol -- Yeah, boy, getting outside can be magical!

Look forward to seeing you in Waynesville, Kathryn!

Thank you, Miss Yves -- high praise from such a photographer as yourself!

Hey Liz- I understand your doctor friend's feelings but I've come to terms with the fact that I can love using my computer while understanding almost nothing about how it works -- and also that it will sooner or later break my heart by crashing. (Does this sound like a metaphor for some relationships? Hmmm...)

Tammy said...

Beautiful pictures. What are the green fuzzy stems in the pictures with the ferns? Are they part of the ferns? Very exotic looking. Computers are a blessing and curse I think. I love them, and the worlds they open, but when they malfunction it can sure raise the old blood pressure. Glad yours decided to 'fix itself'.

Vicki Lane said...

Those are ferns-to-be. They will unfurl into leafy fronds. This curled shape is the reason for the term 'fiddlehead ferns.'

Merisi said...

Wonderful stroll!

I love the fiddlehead in front of the Poison Ivy (is it or is it not?).

I love fiddlehead spoons, I have a "collection" of three! :-)
Here is a picture of one of my babies.

I have been racking my brain about "In the quiet of the evening" - do you know of its origin, besides Kirmet of Sesame Street (I loved watching that with my kids!)?

Vicki Lane said...

Hi Merisi -- I think that's a piece of Virginia Creeper -- missing one of its five leaves.

I love that fiddlehead flatware too. A friend of mine has a set I've always admired.

In the quiet of the evening makes me think of a song -- perhaps a Stephen Foster ditty. Or from a poem -- and now I'm thinking T.S. Eliot. Good grief -- could there be two more different sources? Hmmm - may have to ask Mr, Google.

It's been a long long time -- thirty five years -- but I too loved Sesame Street -- especially The Count.